Kaushik Mahapatra’s Goals for Executive Coaching
The goal of executive coaching is to help executives and professionals. It helps them to become more effective in their roles. Executive coaching helps professionals develop effective functioning and higher levels of performance. Kaushik Mahapatra (Executive Coach in India) discusses the goals for executive coaching. The focus is on changing perceptions about what a good leader looks like. Furthermore he demonstrates measurement of a leader’s skills as well.
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Kaushik Mahapatra Executive coaching is an effective tool to help managers and executives get the right perspective on their career and life, and make them more successful. This Executive Coaching training is a course that helps managers learn how to hone their leadership skills. The course includes a comprehensive reading list to guide the participant as they prepare for their coaching experience. Participants will develop their own personal coaching plan, so they know how much time each session should take. This course helps participants understand that leadership development is ongoing and continuous. Kaushik Mahapatra help individuals to grow, evolve and experience success in their career path. To enhance self-awareness, develop personal development and transform a person from within towards becoming an elite achiever in the field.